Healing Therapies

If you’re seeking to enhance your overall health and well-being, exploring healing therapies could be beneficial for you. These therapies are designed to foster equilibrium and unity within the body, mind, and spirit, as well as to bolster the body’s innate healing capabilities. There are a couple of different types of healing therapies available, so you can find one that is right for you.

Reiki Healing

Reiki Courses

Distant Healing

Reiki Courses uk

Reiki Training Courses

Reiki Training Courses : Reiki for Self-Healing, Reiki I, Reiki II (Reiki Practitioner Level), and Reiki III (advanced Reiki) Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) is a form of natural energy healing rediscovered by a Japanese doctor, Mikao Usui, near the turn of the century. Dr Usui searched for the healing knowledge that Jesus Christ and Buddha had…

Reiki Healing Ulverston Cumbria

Reiki And Energy Healing

REIKI AND ENERGY HEALING IN-PERSON ULVERSTON, CUMBRIA, UK Reiki Healing, pronounced as “ray-key,” is an ancient Eastern practice of hands-on or hands-off natural energy healing. During a session, the practitioner channels life force energy, often referred to as “Divine Love,” towards the recipient. This natural and non-invasive therapy aims to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual…